How do I reset my electric fireplace? 

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reset an electric fireplace

If you have had your electric fireplace for a few years, it may suddenly stop working for various reasons. Some common electric fireplace problems that may keep your unit from turning on include a faulty wall outlet, defective power cord, or loose connections inside the device.

However, before you take any corrective action, it’s important to identify the problem as well as the possible cause. Besides, you probably need to reset the electric fireplace to rectify the issue that is preventing it from working. But how do I reset my electric fireplace? 

If that’s all you want to know, you’re in the right place! In addition, I’ll show you why your electric fireplace needs resetting and how to deal with persistent issues that a reset fails to resolve! 

Let’s get right into it!

How to reset an electric fireplace 

Resetting is a great and simple way to fix an electric fireplace that is not working properly. That said, here are the steps you need to follow to reset most electric fireplace models; 

  • Unplug the fireplace from the wall outlet 

Switch off your electric fireplace and unplug its power cord from the wall outlet. 

  • Wait for some time 

If your electric fireplace was running just before switching it off, give it some time to cool. In some instances, you may have to wait up to 30 minutes. But if the fireplace was not in use, you can wait about 30 seconds before you proceed to the next step. However, if the problem doesn’t get resolved, you may need to keep the unit completely switched offer for longer, such as 5 – 10 minutes. 

  • Re-plug it 

Once the electric fireplace has cooled down, re-plug it into the wall outlet. 

  • Turn it back on 

Press the reset button (red button) that is usually located on the side of the electric fireplace to switch it back on. Wait until the fireplace is working again and enjoy its warmth. However, if the unit doesn’t become operational, consider contacting a professional for help. 

Why your electric fireplace may need resetting

There are 2 main reasons that might require you to reset your electric fireplace; 

  • If the fireplace turns on but fails to work as expected, you may want to reset it. For instance, if the logs, flames & embers are glowing dimly or the heater isn’t generating any warmth, resetting it can help fix those issues. 
  • If the unit has some glitch that is preventing it from working properly. For instance, if the unit keeps turning off, resetting it may help to fix the problem. 

However, some electric fireplace models can reset automatically in certain situations such as overheating or mechanical motor breakdown. 

What if the problem persists after resetting the electric fireplace? 

Sometimes, resetting the electric fireplace may fail to resolve the problem for which you were trying to reset it. If that’s the case with our unit, I’d suggest you contact a technician to identify the source of the problem and repair it. 

Some common problems that may not be resolved by resetting your electric fireplace include; 

  • The flame glows dimly 

If the ember, flame, or logs glow, but very dimly, open the fireplace and look for loose connections. Tighten any loose connections you find, or replace them if necessary. 

  • No air or heat blows out 

If there is no heat coming out of your electric fireplace, check whether the thermostat is set at the required level and adjust it accordingly. Generally, you should set the electric fireplace’s thermostat higher than the room temperature if you want to feel hot air blowing out of the heating unit. 

  • My electric fireplace keeps overheating or turning off 

As you know, some electric fireplaces have an overheating safety mechanism that automatically switches them off if the internal components overheat. For instance, this can happen if the outlets or air intake are blocked, causing the fireplace to become too hot. Unless you clean the air intake and outlets, resetting the fireplace will not prevent it from overheating, meaning it will keep switching off. 

  • The ember bed glows without a flame

If you have a mechanical electrical fireplace whose ember glows without generating a flame, check if the spinner spindle is connected to the flame motor. Also, make sure that the drive motor that creates the blow is working. 

After taking the above corrective measures, go ahead and reset your electric fireplace again before you use it. However, if the appliance still doesn’t work, stop using it and contact the manufacturer’s customer service for assistance.

How to change settings on your electric fireplace after resetting it

After resetting your electric fireplace, you can easily change its settings to create a different atmosphere and look in your living space. For instance, you can adjust the speed, color as well as brightness of the flames using the control buttons on the unit. Moreover, many electric fireplace units come with a remote control that you can use to change the settings from anywhere in the room. Best of all, you can experiment with various settings until you find the ideal combination for your home. 


Resetting is a great way to fix an electric fireplace that is not working properly. However, before you decide to reset it, there are a few things you should check to make sure it’s getting power. For instance, you should first check that the circuit breaker has not tripped and that the power cord is plugged into a wall outlet. Once you confirm that everything looks fine, follow the steps I’ve listed above and then press the reset button on the control panel. 

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